The Power Point on JP II's Letter to Women by Father Bart Stevens can be viewed here:
"Come to me, ALL you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. (Mt. 11:28)
“In the beginning was the WORD…,” calling all to enter ever more deeply into the Mystery of Itself, the LOGOS; in Greek, the intelligibility of the universe. The Logos never forces itself upon another, but it never neglects when welcomed. If one is a new acquaintance answering the call placed in every human soul, the journey of life begins. If one’s been on the journey, seeking to reestablish oneself in the fundamental, foundational skills is vital to the success of realizing an increasingly deeper development.
St. Anthony Parish is offering an OCIA class Saturdays, 2:30 to 4:30 PM, ending April 12, 2025.